Citycas has particular expertise in the following areas:
Unusually for a firm of our size we are able to undertake niche auditing and have many significant clients enjoying reasonable audit fees.
Media and Entertainment
We are experts in the field and one of our senior partners is a member of the Production Guild. We offer a range of services to the film, television, theatre and music communities. Our clients range from production companies, camera rental companies, actors, producers, directors to gaffers, prop buyers, wardrobe mistresses. We advise on all aspects of taxation and accounting issues from feature films to commercials.
Dentists and Doctors
The firm specialises in the accounting and taxation of doctors and dentists. We can also arrange practice aquisition finance to help the practitioner become more commercial and thereby enhancing their earning ability.
Legal Practices
We prepare regulatory reports to regulators on client funds and assist on the legal structure and taxation of Law firms.
Financial Services
We are able to undertale these specialist audits and assist clients with FCA returns.
Require more information?
If you would like more information or would like to speak to us direct then call us on 0845 606 6567. Or if you would prefer, ask us a question online.